Los autores son: Gerard Way (cantante de My Chemical Romance) y Gabriel Ba (y portadas de James Jean en este primer arco).
La historia comienza con el extraño nacimiento de cuarenta y tres niós extraordinarios, nacidos en extrañas circunstancias en diferentes lugares del mundo, y de madres solteras o que no habían dado ninguna muestra de embarazo. Siete de esos niños fueron adoptados por Sir Reginald Hargreeves, alias el Monóculo, famoso científico (y alienígena), según él, para salvar el mundo. Seis de esos niños tenían extrañas habilidades.
Primero nos introduce a los niños cuando son niños, aunque ya utilizan sus habilidades para salvar el mundo y luchar contra el crimen. Pocas páginas después damos un salto en el tiempo hasta la muerte de su padre adoptivo, y vamos averiguando poco a poco parte de lo que ha pasado durante esos años, de los conflictos que surgieron entre los hermanos, aunque su reunión hará que una amenaza surja para terminar con el mundo, y esa amenaza vendrá de uno de ellos.
Quizás me esperaba un poco más tras oir tan buenas críticas pero es muy interesante y se presenta a una gran cantidad de personajes (mis favoritos son Séance y número 5), además de que ha sido todo un descubrimiento el de Gabriel Ba. Una historia un poco avertigada pero muy entretenida (aunque me gustó más la siguiente historia).
Valoración: 7/10
The Umbrella academy: Apocalypse suite
A couple of months ago I bought the first story of "The Umbrella Academy". I was curious, it had good reviews and it won a few awards, so ... Why not? The authors are: Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance singer) and Gabriel Ba (and covers by James Jean).
The story begins with the strange birth of forty-three extraordinary children, born under strange circumstances in different parts of the world, of single mothers or women who had not given any sign of pregnancy. Seven of these children were adopted by Sir Reginald Hargreeves, aka The Monocle, a famous scientist (and alien), he said that he had done it to save the world. Six of these children had strange abilities.
First they introduce these children as children, although they use their skills to save the world and fight against crime. A few pages later we jump in time to the death of his adoptive father, and we're slowly finding out what happened during those years, the conflicts that arose between the brothers, although the meeting will trigger a threat that could end the world, and that threat will come from one of them.
The story begins with the strange birth of forty-three extraordinary children, born under strange circumstances in different parts of the world, of single mothers or women who had not given any sign of pregnancy. Seven of these children were adopted by Sir Reginald Hargreeves, aka The Monocle, a famous scientist (and alien), he said that he had done it to save the world. Six of these children had strange abilities.
First they introduce these children as children, although they use their skills to save the world and fight against crime. A few pages later we jump in time to the death of his adoptive father, and we're slowly finding out what happened during those years, the conflicts that arose between the brothers, although the meeting will trigger a threat that could end the world, and that threat will come from one of them.
Maybe I expected a bit more after hearing such good reviews but it is very interesting and it presents a lot of characters (my favorites are Séance and number 5), moreover, it has been a discovery, Gabriel Ba is a great artist. A story a bit like some vertigo comics but highly entertaining (although I think that the second story is better).
Rating: 7/10
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