No soy un fan de ver deportes por la Televisión, y en contadas ocasiones lo hago. Prácticamente se aplica lo mismo a las películas con temática deportiva, simplemente me suelen aburrir. Supongo que tras leer alguna buena crítica me he animado a ver "Money ball": “Moneyball: Rompiendo las reglas” es la adaptación cinematográfica de
“Moneyball: The art of winning an unfair game”. Este libro de Michael
Lewis nos relata la historia real de Billy Beane, el director general de
los Oakland Athletics, quien utilizó unos complejos análisis
estadísticos para confeccionar la plantilla más adecuada para dicho
equipo de béisbol.
Por suerte, aunque todo gire en torno al béisbol, apenas se ven unos pocos fragmentos de los partidos, y la mayor parte de la película nos cuenta la historia de Billy (Brad Pitt) y Peter (Jonah Hill), y como tratan de cambiar la forma de fichar jugadores y de ganar partidos con mucho menos dinero que los grandes. Tenemos al chaval (Jonah Hill), un economista que ha encontrado una forma para encontrar jugadores que les pueden hacer ganar por menos dinero, aunque nadie crea que sean capaces de ganar nada y a Billy, que ve en ese sistema la forma de conseguir algo y luchar por que su equipo este entre los mejores, aunque ni el entrenador ni casi nadie del equipo crea en ellos.
Pitt lleva casi todo el peso de la película, y con una gran interpretación, dando humanidad a un personaje que ha fracasado en el pasado, y necesita encontrar algo en lo que creer para luchar por ello y seguir adelante.
Valoración: 7.5
I'm not a fan of watching sports on television, and I rarely do. Usually, the same applies to sports-themed movies, I just tend to get bored with them. I guess after reading some good reviews I've being encouraged to watch "Money Ball", which is the film adaptation of "Moneyball: The art of winning an unfair game." This book by Michael Lewis tells the true story of Billy Beane, general manager of the Oakland Athletics, who used a complex statistical analysis to make the most appropriate template for the baseball team.
Luckily, though everything revolves around baseball are just a few fragments of the movie, and most of the film tells the story of Billy (Brad Pitt) and Peter (Jonah Hill), and how they try to change how to "buy" players and win games with far less money than bigger teams. We have the young guy (Jonah Hill), an economist who has found a way to find players who can win for less money, but nobody believes they are capable of winning. So Billy, sees in the system a way to fight and make the team one of the best, although the coach or the team hardly believe in them.
Luckily, though everything revolves around baseball are just a few fragments of the movie, and most of the film tells the story of Billy (Brad Pitt) and Peter (Jonah Hill), and how they try to change how to "buy" players and win games with far less money than bigger teams. We have the young guy (Jonah Hill), an economist who has found a way to find players who can win for less money, but nobody believes they are capable of winning. So Billy, sees in the system a way to fight and make the team one of the best, although the coach or the team hardly believe in them.
Pitt takes almost all the weight of the film, a great performance, giving humanity to a character who has failed in the past, and needs to find something to believe in order to fight for it and move on.
Rating: 7.5
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